
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cynthia's Winx Blog 1 Year Anniversary!

It's finally here! Cynthia's Winx Blog in now 1 year old! I can't thank everyone enough for follwoing, commenting, and supporting my blog! You're all great!
And now that I have 13 loyal followers, I'm sure in another year I'll have twice as many as I do now! Oh, and I've just added a blogroll for this blog! You can see my affiliates/the best Winx News Blogs that I know!
Thank you all so much!

Separate Note: This doesn't have anything to do with my blog or Winx, but I just want you all to rememeber what happened Septemebr 11th, 2001. Live life to the fullest, never take anything for granted, and peace out!


  1. Congrats! Send an email to Michael of Michael's Winx Club, I need your email address, have a gift for your site!

  2. CONGRATS! *dances* (You're clucey from the Winx Online Forum, correct?)

    1. Thanks! And yes, I am clucey from the forums. :)And you are...? (I'm sorry if we know each other well on the forums and I don't reconize you here!)
